Default Panel
Panel comes in various formats. You can create different panels just by dropping bootstrap panel-* classes. Additionally you can give panel hovered box shadow and stacked paper style by adding panel-hovered and panel-stacked.
Stacked Panel with Hover
This is a stacked panel (panel-stacked) with hover activated. Nunc nec at libero ut, purus auctor eget arcu sociis maecenas, morbi eu quis. Sit nam lorem auctor nunc, eu magnis, feugiat id libero velit ut magna, vestibulum vitae fermentum nec.
Lined Panel
Lined panel (panel-lined) is another variation of default panel with no border in panel heading. Enim expedita faucibus viverra sem, aliquam vestibulum pellentesque egestas, donec felis nec donec urna sit.
Lined Panel with Stack
Lined panel (panel-lined) is another variation of default panel with no border in panel heading. You can mix and match lined and other panels with stacked panel (panel-stacked) and hovered panel (panel-hovered).
Primary State Panel
Primary state panel with panel-primary class attached. Enim expedita faucibus viverra sem, aliquam vestibulum pellentesque egestas, donec felis nec donec urna sit donec felis nec.
Pink State Panel
Pink state panel with panel-pink class attached. This is just a sample to show that you can make panels of any color just by editing less variables. Enim expedita faucibus viverra sem.
Success State Panel
Success state panel with panel-success class attached. Enim expedita faucibus viverra sem, aliquam vestibulum pellentesque egestas, donec felis nec donec urna sit donec felis nec.
Warning State Panel
Success state panel with panel-warning class attached. Enim expedita faucibus viverra sem, aliquam vestibulum pellentesque egestas, donec felis nec donec urna sit donec felis nec.
Info State Panel
Info state panel with panel-info class attached. Enim expedita faucibus viverra sem, aliquam vestibulum pellentesque egestas, donec felis nec donec urna sit nullam urna metus.
Danger State Panel
Danger state panel with panel-danger class attached. Enim expedita faucibus viverra sem, aliquam vestibulum pellentesque egestas, donec felis nec donec urna sit nullam urna metus.